Researcher Details

Yijiang Zhong

Affiliation The University of Tokyo,Institute for Advanced Studies onAsia
Designation Associate Professor
Specialization Japanese history , Religious studies
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Research Interest Modern Japan and East Asian History,History of East Asia,Religion, Secularity, and the Modern State, Religion and secularity
Keywords 人文学知と日本の大学,如何に国際日本研究,釈迦は如何なる種族,井上哲次郎と明治期東洋哲学,宗教, 自由と公共性,井上哲次郎, 東洋哲学, 神道, 自由, 公共性, 権威, Modern Shinto, Religion, Meiji Japan, Ritual, Izumo Freedom, Religion and the Making of the Modern State in Japan,Formation of History as a Modern Discipline in Meiji Japan,
Relation with Nichibunken FY2016-2020"Reconsidering the History of Japanese Religions from the Perspective of Discrimination: The Logic of the Sacred and Impure in Shrines and Temples and Kingship"Team Research Member, FY2013-2015 "Comparative Studies in Japanese Buddhist Thought" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06