Researcher Details

Yayoi Yoshizawa

Affiliation Kyoritsu Women`s University,Faculty of Arts and Letters
Designation Professor
Specialization Sociology , Arts in general
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Sociology of Art, Cultural Studies
Keywords アートプロジェクト, 文化政策, 労働, 地域, 社会運動, 芸術家, 美術館, 沖縄, アートNPO, キャリア・マネジメント, 自治体, 大阪の現代芸術
Relation with Nichibunken FY2019-2022"Cultural Creativity in a Shrinking Society: Individuals, Networks, Capital, and Systems"Team Research Member,FY2016-2019"Expos and Human History"Research Representative
Last Updated 2023/09/06