Researcher Details

Yasuko Yokoyama

Affiliation Hosei University, Research Center for International Japanese Studies
Designation Director; Faculty of Engineering, Professor
Specialization Japanese literature
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Research Interest Study of Kaidan literature, Ghost stories, Early modern history of performing arts, Performing arts, Kabuki
Keywords 児童文化, 猫の怪, 真景累ヶ淵, 怪談乳房榎, 江戸怪談, 四谷怪談, 日本文化, 江戸歌舞伎, 妖怪文化研究, 古典芸能, 木村荘八, 歌舞伎の妖怪, 異界万華鏡, 道具の妖怪, 七不思議変遷
Relation with Nichibunken FY2006-2010 "Tradition and Creation of yokai Culture in Japan" Team Reseacher, FY2010-2014 "Tradition and Creation of Yokai Culture, Moving Towards Expanding the Parameters of the Field" Team Researcher
Last Updated 2024/05/29