Researcher Details

Yasuhiro Matsuda

Affiliation University of Tokyo
Designation Professor
Specialization International relations
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Research Interest Politics and diplomacy of China and Taiwan, China-Taiwan Relations, Foreign and security policy of Japan
Keywords 台湾における一党独裁体制, 憲政, 中国の外交戦略, 周辺外交, 世界秩序, 台湾政党政治, 日中関係, 国家安全保障会議, 安保政策統合メカニズム―, 危機管理, 習近平政権の対台湾政策, 蔡英文政権, 米中国交正常化と台湾, 日華関係議員懇談会, Security Policy-Making in East Asia, Cross-Strait Relations, Japan-Taiwan Relations under DPJ and KMT Administrations, Japan’s Strategy toward China
Relation with Nichibunken
Last Updated 2023/09/06