Researcher Details

Yamashita Katsuaki

Affiliation Daito Bunka University, Institute for Oriental Studies
Designation Visiting Researcher
Specialization Japanese history
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Religious Culture and the Way of Yin and Yang in the Heian Period
Keywords 平安貴族社会と具注暦,陰陽道,平安時代陰陽道史研究,天文要録,陰陽道の発見,コスモロジーと身体,文化と技術
Relation with Nichibunken FY2020-2021 "The Current State of Shamanism and Divination: The Propagation and Development of Folk Beliefs in the East Asian World" Team Research Member, FY2015-2018 "Between Narrative Literature and Historical Sources" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06