Researcher Details

Xijun Lu

Affiliation Daito Bunka University, Faculty of International Relations
Designation Professor
Specialization Asian and African history , International relations
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Politics and International Relations in East Asia
Keywords 中国国民党, 中ソ関係史, 中国共産党, 国民政府,歴史認識,蒋介石,私文書,公文書,抗日戦争,日中戦争, 蒋介石日記, 蔣介石研究,東アジア国際政治史,中国における共同体の再編,北東アジアにおける中国と日本,中国国民政府の対日政策,日本外交文書,ヨーロッパ戦争開戦前後の蔣介石
Relation with Nichibunken FY2020~2021 "Japanese Foreign Policy in the Cold War Era: On the formation of the 'Peace State' (1952-1972)" Team Research Member,FY 2014-2015 "Japanese Military Strategy towards East Asian Society: The Second Sino-Japanese War Era" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06