Researcher Details

Xiaohua Ma

Affiliation Osaka Kyoiku University
Designation Associate Professor
Specialization American history , Asian and African history
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Research Interest History of International Relations,History of International Relations in the Asia-Pacific Region,American Political Diplomacy
Keywords 第二次世界大戦期の米中同盟,日中戦争,アメリカニゼション,負の世界遺産,20世紀の戦争と和解,アウシュビッツ強制収容所,世界遺産登録,戦争の記憶と観光文化,ハワイ,The United States between China and Japan, Peace-Building in East Asia
Relation with Nichibunken FY2014-2015 "Japanese Military Strategy towards East Asian Society: The Second Sino-Japanese War Era" Team Research Member,FY2001-2002 "The Structure and Development of Legal Systems of the Japanese Colonial Empire" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06