Researcher Details

Shigeki Uno

Affiliation The University of Tokyo, Institute of Social Science
Designation Professor
Specialization Law , Intellectual history
Related Page Web site
Research Interest History of political thought, Political philosophy
Keywords デモクラシーと宗教,日本における労働,地方自治,希望,現代政治哲学の比較分析,フランス自由主義,アレクシス・ド・トクヴィル,デモクラシ,政治・実存・実在,19世紀における自由主義,共同体論論争,代表制の政治思想史,丸山眞男,丸山の福沢
Relation with Nichibunken FY2020-2023 "Japanese Style Education-from the Perspective of the History of Civilizations" Team Research Member, FY2008-2010 "Reassessment and Redefinition of Policies in Post-War Politics and Diplomacy" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06