Researcher Details

Tzu-Chin Huang

Affiliation Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica
Designation Professor
Specialization Asian and African history
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Research Interest Japan-China War, Japan and Taiwan, Japanese Diplomacy
Keywords 日中戦争,日本と台湾,日本の伝統と現代,日中関係,和平憲法下的日本外交,岸信介内閣の外交構想
Relation with Nichibunken FY2020~2021 "Japanese Foreign Policy in the Cold War Era: On the formation of the 'Peace State' (1952-1972)」Team Research Representative,FY 2018-2019 "The Ideological Origins of China’s Modern Revolution: Ideological Influences from Japan" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06