Researcher Details

Tsutomu Kaneko

Affiliation Osaka Prefecture University
Designation Professor Emeritus
Specialization Sociology/History of science and technology , Intellectual history
Related Page Web site
Research Interest History of Scientific Thought, Theory of Information Culture
Keywords アインシュタイン・ショック, ジパング, 江戸科学史散歩, ガリレオたちの仕事場, アインシュタイン劇場, さらばアリストテレス, オルデンバーグ, 江戸人物科学史,
Relation with Nichibunken FY2019-2022"Avidya on a Spider’s Web: Toward the Future of the Somatic Experience under the Ecology of Social Network System"Team Research Member,FY2016-2020"Studies in “In-betweeness” in Cross-cultural Communication"Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06