Researcher Details

Toyomi Asano

Affiliation Waseda University Faculty of Political Science and Economics\Center for international reconciliation studies
Designation Professor\Director-General
Specialization International relations , Politics
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Research Interest International political history of the East Asian region around Japan, Postwar history of East Asia
Keywords 帝国日本,植民地法制,法域統合,治外法権,帝国秩序,日韓国交正常化,民主化,国民感情,安全保障,帝国の解体,戦後アジア,米韓関係,京城帝国大学,ソウル大学,日韓交渉,東アジア地域主義,米軍,日本人と朝鮮人の引揚げ,満洲,台湾,南洋,慰安婦,日本軍,オーラルヒストリー,脱植民地化
Relation with Nichibunken FY2014-2015 "Japanese Military Strategy towards East Asian Society: The Second Sino-Japanese War Era" Team Research Member,FY2013-2014 "Comparative study about plural local development of the Japanese-style education culture" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06