Researcher Details

Toshihiko Matsuda

Affiliation International Research Center for Japanese Studies/The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
Designation Professor, Deputy Director-General
Specialization Asian and African history , Japanese history
Related Page Web site
Research Interest History of Japan-North Korea and Japan-Korea Relations, Medical and Hygiene Policy in Japanese Colonial Korea
Keywords 植民地, 朝鮮, 警察, 参政権, 東亜聯盟運動, 在日朝鮮人, 志賀潔, 東亜聯盟運動, 日中戦争期, 帝国日本, 日本の朝鮮植民地支配, 在日朝鮮人, 参政権, 国際日本研究, 日朝関係史, 韓国法院記録, 帝国と高等教育, 日本の朝鮮・台湾支配, 統治機構と官僚・警察・軍隊, 知と権力, 帝国大学, 学知, 震災と外国人マイノリティ,日本統治下の朝鮮, 曺寧柱
Relation with Nichibunken FY2020-2023 "The Japanese Colonial Empire and the Global Linkage of Knowledge" Research Representative,FY2021-2023 "Reconsidering the Early-Modern in the History of East Asia: In Search of a New Global History" Team Research Member,FY2023 "The Power of Culture in the Japanese Empire and Cold War Asia: Intersecting Ideologies and Symbolism in Ch'oe Sŭng-hŭi's Dance" Research Representative
Last Updated 2024/07/31