Researcher Details

Toru Yamada

Affiliation Doshisha University, Faculty of Letters
Designation Associate Professor
Specialization Japanese history
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Research Interest Japanese Medieval History, Nanbokucho and Muromachi Period
Keywords 赤松氏, 六角氏 , 京極氏 , 山名氏, 土岐氏 , 細川氏, 斯波氏, 室町殿 , 足利将軍家, 大名, 法制史, 地域史, 権力論, 荘園制, 守護, 寺社本所領 , 室町幕府政治史, 足利義満, 足利義持, 斯波義将, 支配体制, 室町領主社会, 武家勢力, 中近世武家菩提寺, 追善仏事, 禅宗寺院
Relation with Nichibunken FY2018-2021 "A Theory of Culture during the Oei and Eikyo periods: Between Popular Views of History on 'Kitayama Culture' and 'Higashiyama Culture'" Research Representative, FY2015-2019 "Between Narrative Literature and Historical Sources" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06