Researcher Details

Tomoji Onozuka

Affiliation The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Economics
Designation Professor
Specialization Economics
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Social and economic history of modern Europe, History of industrial relations and labor management in Britain, History of music society, History of food culture and food policy
Keywords 労務管理,管理革新,標準化,権限関係,技師,職長,徒弟制度,労働組合,使用者団体,イギリス造船機械産業, イギリス造船機械産業,クラフト的規制,現場主義,労使共犯関係,組織改革,自由と公共性,介入的自由主義,共同体の基礎理論,日英兵器産業,武器移転の国際経済史,西洋経済史学
Relation with Nichibunken FY2019 "Re-reading Modern Japanese Thought: Developing Tools for the Transmission and Renewal of Knowledge for the Next Generation"Team Researcher
Last Updated 2023/09/06