Researcher Details

Tomoe Ueno

Affiliation Suntory Foundation for the Arts
Designation Curator
Specialization Japanese history , Art history
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Middle and Modern Japan,History of Painting
Keywords 東山名所図屏風,國華,お伽草子,御伽草子, 日本中世絵画, 芸術文化, 美術史, 美術館 ,洛中洛外図, 景観表象, 清水寺, 掛幅縁起絵, 中世説話, 日本中世絵画における物語と景観―掛幅縁起絵・参詣曼荼羅・御伽草子絵巻の再検討―
Relation with Nichibunken FY2016-2020 "Projecting Classicism: Visuality, Popularity, and Modernity" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06