Researcher Details

Tomoaki Kitsukawa

Affiliation Toyo University Faculty of Letters
Designation Part-time Lecturer
Specialization Buddhist studies
Related Page Web site
Research Interest East Asian Buddhist Studies
Keywords 瑜伽行唯識思想, 安慧, 仏教学・仏教史全般, 『大乗荘厳経論』, 『仏地経論』, 五性各別の思想, インド瑜伽行唯識理論, 中国法相教学, 東アジア仏教, 仏教学, スティラマティ, 堅慧, 中国唯識教学, 日本法相教学,唐初期唯識思想,唯識三転法輪説,『解深密経』・円測『解深密経疏』,東アジアにおける安慧観,九識から八識へ,東アジア唯識教学,唯識三転法輪説
Relation with Nichibunken FY2016-2020 "East Asian Kingship and Social Order in a Comparative Context: Courts, Empires and States/ Thought, Religion and Rites"Team Research Member,FY2011-2015 "Reconsidering the Traditional Terminology of East Asia: A New Perspective on the Philosophical Investigation of Mind, Body, and Environment" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06