Researcher Details

Tohmatsu Haruo

Affiliation National Defense Academy, Department of International Relations
Designation Professor
Specialization Sociology
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Research Interest History of Political Diplomacy, History of Japanese Diplomacy, History of War
Keywords 日本帝国と委任統治,南洋群島,第一次世界大戦後の日本・アジア・太平洋,グローバル・ガヴァナンス,満洲国際管理論の系譜,中歴史教科書,Manchurian Incident,Iraq and Manchukuo,Anglo-Japanese Relations 1863-1923,Sino-Japanese War
Relation with Nichibunken FY2019~2023 "Sports as Civilization, Sports as Culture" Team Researcher
Last Updated 2023/09/06