Researcher Details

Teruhiko Takahashi

Affiliation Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities
Designation Professor
Specialization Japanese history , Archaeology
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Japanese Ancient History, Oriental Archaeology, Japanese Archaeology
Keywords 陶磁器, 三彩・緑釉陶器, 銭貨, 古代墳墓, 寺院, 律令期葬制, 大化薄葬令, 銭貨と陶磁器, 日中間交流,都と地方の土器, 天皇陵古墳, 倭の五王, 須恵器生産, シルクロード, 待兼山遺跡, 絲綢之路 尼雅遺址, 東大寺
Relation with Nichibunken
Last Updated 2024/07/10