Researcher Details

Takeshi Yamazaki

Affiliation Nara University Faculty of Letters Department of History
Designation Associate Professor
Specialization Asian and African history
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Early Modern East Asian History, Ming and Qing History, History of International Relations
Keywords 海港 , 文化伝播, スペイン, 戦国大名 , 寧波商人 , 博多, 国際情報交換 , ポルトガル, 商業, 国境地帯, 華南, 海賊, 公益, 東アジア海域, 漁民, 倭寇, 同化, 異化, ムラカ王国, 世界史
Relation with Nichibunken FY2018-2019 "The Ideological Origins of China’s Modern Revolution: Ideological Influences from Japan" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06