Researcher Details

Tadashi Nishihira

Affiliation Kyoto University
Designation Professor
Specialization Education , Intellectual history , Religious studies
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Life Cycle, Educational Anthropology, Life and Death Studies, Life Cycle Studies, Comparative Thought, Japanese Thought, Philosophy
Keywords 人間形成,死や誕生の問題,人生選択の問題, 老年期の問題,稽古・修養・修行・養生,日本の伝統的な知恵
Relation with Nichibunken FY2013~2014 "Comparative Studies in Japanese Buddhist Thought" Team Researcher, FY 2019 "Re-reading Modern Japanese Thought: Developing Tools for the Transmission and Renewal of Knowledge for the Next Generation"Team Researcher
Last Updated 2023/09/06