Researcher Details

Sung Yup Lee

Affiliation Bukkyo University
Designation Professor
Specialization Japanese history , Asian and African history
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Modern Korean History, Japanese Empire, Colonial History, Japanese Society in Colonial Korea, Political Structure of Empire/Colony, Former Korean Imperial Family under Colonial Rule
Keywords 植民地朝鮮における日本人社会,帝国/植民地をめぐる政治構造,植民地統治下における旧韓国皇帝一族, 帝国のミッショナリー,山本忠美の在米宣伝活動,第二次朝鮮教育令成立,帝国臣民,在留禁止処分,李太王(高宗),朝鮮人・台湾人副領事特別任用制度,朝鮮人内鮮
Relation with Nichibunken FY2013~2018 "Knowledge and Power in Japanese Colonial Empire" Team Reseracher Team Reserach Project Member: "The Japanese Colonial Empire and the Global Linkage of Knowledge" (FY2020)
Last Updated 2023/09/06