Researcher Details

Sochi Naraoka

Affiliation Kyoto University Graduate School of Law
Designation Professor
Specialization Politics , International relations
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Research Interest Party Politics in Modern Japan, Anglo-Japanese Relations and Britain's View of Japanese Politics
Keywords 加藤高明, イギリスの立憲君主制, 政党政治, 憲政, 吉野作造, 第一次世界大戦, 対華二十一ヵ条要求, 日中対立, 別荘, 時事新報, 外交世論, 参戦外交, Japan’s First World War-Era Diplomacy
Relation with Nichibunken FY2019-2020 "Popular Culture and “Civilization and Enlightenmentˮ: The Position and Role of Mass Media in the Turbulent Transition from Edo to Meiji" Team Research Member,FY2017-2018 "Tozai bunmeiron: Theories of Japanese Uniqueness and the Idea of Japan as the Only Bridge between East and West" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06