Researcher Details

Shun Ishida

Affiliation Yamaguchi University, Faculty of Humanities
Designation Associate Professor
Specialization Japanese History
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Research Interest Emperors and the Imperial Court in the Early Modern Period, The Role of Women in Emperors and the Imperial Court,
Keywords 桂昌院と寺院,長命寺穀屋の尼僧,松平宣維室天岳院,近世公家日記,綱吉政権期の江戸城大奥,元禄期の朝幕関係と綱吉政権,近世中期の朝廷運営と外戚
Relation with Nichibunken FY2020~ "What are Aristocrats, and What are Samurai?" Team Research Member, FY2010-2013 "The Synthetic Researches of Japanese Diaries" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06