Researcher Details

Shouya Unoda

Affiliation Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities
Designation Professor
Specialization Intellectual history
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Research Interest Japanese Thought, History of Japanese Thought in Modern and Contemporary Times, History of Confucianism in Modern Japan, Cultural Movements in Postwar Japan
Keywords 松江藩儒桃白鹿, 桃家資料, サークル詩運動, 京大生小野君の占領期獄中日記, サークルの時代, 在日, 文化運動, ヂンダレ, カリオン, 昭和の風俗, 大阪のサークル詩運動, 東アジア思想史
Relation with Nichibunken Y2019 "Social Movements and Cultural Production in Japan during the East Asian Cold-War" Research Representative,Y2020 "The Scars of Post-war Japan" Research Representative
Last Updated 2024/08/07