Researcher Details

Shimamura Takanori

Affiliation Kwansei Gakuin University
Designation Professor, Vice-Dean, Faculty of Sociology
Specialization Cultural anthropology , Folklore
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Research Interest History of World Folklore and Ethnological Theory, Vernacular Culture Studies, Modern Folklore
Keywords 朝鮮系住民集住地域,民俗学とは何か,文化人類学と現代民俗学,新修福岡市史・民俗編,日常と文化,フォークロア研究,社会変動,鮮半島系住民集住地域の都市民俗誌Japanese Folkloristics,
Relation with Nichibunken FY2020-2021 "The Current State of Shamanism and Divination: The Propagation and Development of Folk Beliefs in the East Asian World"Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06