Researcher Details

Shigemi Inaga

Affiliation International Research Center for Japanese Studies
Designation Professor Emeritus, Kyoto Seika University, Professor
Specialization Literature in general , Chinese literature , European literature , Art history , Aesthetics and studies on art
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Research Interest Comparative Literature, Comparative Culture, History of Cultural Exchange
Keywords モダニズム,ジャポニスム,オリエンタリズム,異文化コミュニケーション,日本美術史,接触造形論, 絵画の臨界,近代東アジア美術史, オリエンタリズム, ジャポニスム,エドゥアール・マネ, 海賊史観, 岡倉天心 近代美術, 日本趣味,中国美術,建国神話の海外受容, 柳沢史明, A · K · クーマラスワーミ, 戦後世界美術史,印象主義日本像, Kuki Shūzō, La Rencontre du Japon et de l’Europe, Pirate’s View of World History, Vocabulaire de la spatialité japonaise
Relation with Nichibunken FY 2022~ "The Formation and Development of Western Perceptions of Japan" Team Research Member,FY2024 "Anthologizing "Chi (Knowledge)" for the Future: An Interdisciplinary Perspective" Research Representative
Last Updated 2024/07/24