Researcher Details

Sayaka Ogawa

Affiliation Ritsumeikan,Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences
Designation Professor
Specialization Area Studies
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Research Interest Consumer Culture in Contemporary Africa, The Dynamics of the Brink and the Anthropology of Practice and Action, Tanzanians in Hong Kong
Keywords アフリカ, 都市, グローバル化, 模造品, 中古品, 零細商売, インフォーマルセクター, 資本主義経済, 贈与論, タンザニア, 消費, 路上商人, インフォーマル性, 抗争, 中国とアフリカ, Tanzania
Relation with Nichibunken FY2019-2022"Cultural Creativity in a Shrinking Society: Individuals, Networks, Capital, and Systems"Team Research Member,FY2016-2020"Studies in “In-betweeness” in Cross-cultural Communication"Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06