Researcher Details

Saito Karasima

Affiliation Kobe University
Designation Associate Professor
Specialization Politics , Japanese History
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Research Interest Cold War, Philanthropy, History of International Relations, Social Democracy, International Politics, Japan-US Relations, Postwar Economy, Private Diplomacy, Postwar Japan, History of Political Economy, Productivity
Keywords 帝国日本,アジア研究,板垣與一,植民政策学,政治経済学,近衛新体制,海軍の南進論,東南アジア軍政,戦時変革,戦後国際秩序,アジア経済研究所,アメリカ民間財団,反共リベラル,民主社会主義,学知,55年体制,万博,梅棹忠夫,文明の生態史観
Relation with Nichibunken FY2020-2022 "The Scars of Post-war Japan" Team Research Member, FY2019-2020 "Social Movements and Cultural Production in Japan during the East Asian Cold-War" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06