Researcher Details

Ryuji Hiraoka

Affiliation Kyoto University, Institute for Research in Humanities
Designation Associate Professor
Specialization Sociology/History of science and technology
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Research on East Asian Traditional Sciences, History of Cultural Exchange between Japan and China
Keywords イエズス会, 天文学史, キリシタン, 長崎, 技術史, 書誌学, 科学史, 西学, 蘭学, 宇宙, 星象全図 , 小林謙貞, Jesuits, Cosmology, Japan’s”Christian Century”
Relation with Nichibunken FY2019-2023 "Reconstructing Modern East Asian Cultural History I: Focusing on the 19th Century" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06