Researcher Details

Ryuichi Narita

Affiliation Japan Women's University, Faculty of Human Sciences and Design
Designation Professor
Specialization Japanese history
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Research Interest Modern Japanese history, Urban social history, Racialization Process, Turn of Memory Theory, War and Colonialism, Reconciliation Culture, Gender, Social Image in High Growth Period, Early Cold War Culture in East Asia
Keywords 加藤時次郎, 故郷, 都市空間, 史学史, 歴史叙述, 司馬遼太郎, 大正デモクラシー, 戦争経験, 戦後史, 記憶, 戦争体験, 証言, 民衆史
Relation with Nichibunken FY2019- "Social Movements and Cultural Production in Japan during the East Asian Cold-War" Team Researcher, FY2015~2018 "Rethinking Postwar Japanese Culture" Team Researcher
Last Updated 2023/09/06