Researcher Details

Ryo Sahashi

Affiliation University of Tokyo
Designation Associate Professor
Specialization Law
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Research Interest International relations and great power politics in East Asia
Keywords 米中関係, 冷戦史, 東アジアの安全保障秩序, 国際秩序, 覇権, 大国政治, 同盟, 危機, 冷戦後の東アジア秩序, 米中対立, 台湾海峡両岸, アメリカの対中国政策, 米中国交正常化, 民主党外交, 鳩山由紀夫政権, 東アジア共同体, クソン・キッシンジャー外交, Japan-Taiwan Relations, The rise of China, Asia-Pacific security architecture, American Power in Japanese Security Strategy, The Indo-Pacific in Japan's foreign policy, Political Leadership in Japan
Relation with Nichibunken
Last Updated 2023/09/06