Researcher Details

Ritsuko Kikusawa

Affiliation National Museum of Ethnology
Designation Associate Professor
Specialization Linguistics
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Linguistics,Austronesian languages
Keywords 手話の歴史変化, 記述言語学, マラガシ(マダガスカル)語, フィジー語, 比較統語論, 言語学, 言語類型論, オーストロネシア諸語, 歴史言語学, 言語接触, 先史研究, Objectivization and Subjectivization,Proto Central Pacific Ergativity,Modern Approaches to Transitivity,Ergativity and language change, Austronesian language family,Malagasy Personal Pronouns
Relation with Nichibunken FY2016-2017 "Debates on the Origins of the Japanese Language: Light and Shadow in the History of Japanese Linguistics" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06