Researcher Details

Atsuko Ukai

Affiliation Teikyo University, Faculty of Language Studies
Designation Associate Professor
Specialization Historical studies in general
Related Page Web site
Research Interest History of Franco-Japanese Cultural Interaction, Global History
Keywords ジャポニスム, 日仏文化交渉, Japonisme, Cultural exchange between France and Japan, エミール・ガレの東洋観, アール・ヌーヴォーガラスの世界展図録, ナンシーの園芸文化とエミール・ガレ, 万国博覧会を飾った日本の革と紙, 高島北海のフランス, 高島北海の『東洋画』, 欧州交友名刺帖, Expo as a Commercial trade fair
Relation with Nichibunken FY2016-2019"Expos and Human History"Team Research Member,FY2012-2015"Expos and Human History, with a Focus on Asian Dynamics Category Fourth Research Sphere Cultural Relations"Team Research Member
Last Updated 2024/09/11