Researcher Details

Kenichi Kamigaito

Affiliation Otsuma Women's University
Designation Part time Lecturer
Specialization Literature in general
Related Page Web site
Research Interest History of Relations between Japan and the Korean Peninsula, Comparative Culture and Literature
Keywords 雨森芳洲, 半井桃水, 明治日本人, 朝鮮観, 日本留学, 革命運動, 倭人, 韓人, 古代交流史, 鎖国, 勝海舟
Relation with Nichibunken FY2019-2023 "Reconstructing Modern East Asian Cultural History I: Focusing on the 19th Century" Team Research Member, FY2014-2018 "The Culture Sphere of the Former Japanese Empire: A Reexamination through Graphic Media" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06