Researcher Details

Kazue Nakamura

Affiliation Meiji University,School of Law
Designation Professor
Specialization Literature in general , Literature in English
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Comparative Literature, English-Speaking Literature, Comparative Culture
Keywords 英語圏のポスト/コロニアル文学, 現代先住民族文化, 近代日本文学の人種・民族・女性観, マイナー・セクシュアリティ, 植民地, 人種, 先住民,トカゲのラザロ,キミハドコニイルノ,皿めぐり航海記,天気予報,グローバル化の二つの道,
Relation with Nichibunken FY2016-2020"Studies in “In-betweeness” in Cross-cultural Communication"Team Research Member, FY2013-2016 "How to Readjust the Orbit? Checking the 20th Century Japanese Culture and Proposing a New Vision for the First Decade of the 21st Century" Team Research Member.
Last Updated 2023/09/06