Researcher Details

Kiyoshi Matsuda

Affiliation Kanda University of International Studies
Designation Visiting professor
Specialization Historical Studies in General
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Research Interest History of Cultural Exchange between Japan and Europe, History of Western Learning in pre-modern Japan
Keywords 日本洋学史, 書誌学, 江戸のモノづくり, 鮫島尚信在欧外交書簡録, 杏雨書屋洋書目録, 佐賀鍋島家「洋書目録」, 西洋婦人図, The reception and spread of Dodonaeus' Cruydt-Boeck in Japan
Relation with Nichibunken FY 2022~ "The Formation and Development of Western Perceptions of Japan" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06