Researcher Details

Yoshiko Ashiwa

Affiliation Hitotsubashi University, Graduate School of Social Sciences
Designation Professor
Specialization Cultural anthropology , Politics
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Buddhism and Globalization Strategy in Contemporary China, Art, Museums and Value Generation Process, Logic of Peacebuilding
Keywords 中国, 仏教, モダニティ, グローバリゼーション, ソフト/シャープ・パワー , 文明, 価値, 文化生成, 平和, 文化政策, 民族対立, 文化と政策, 紛争と和解, スリランカの現状, Reviving Buddhist Temple,Globalization of Chinese Buddhism, Dynamics of the Buddhist Revival Movement, アメリカ民主主義における他者の位置, 民族問題と文化
Relation with Nichibunken FY2020-2023 "Japanese Style Education-from the Perspective of the History of Civilizations" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2024/06/05