Researcher Details

Yoshie Inoue

Affiliation Toho Gakuen College of Drama and Music
Designation Specially Appointed Professor
Specialization Aesthetics and studies on art
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Modern and Contemporary Theatre and Drama
Keywords 清水邦夫, 川上音二郎, 貞奴, 世界巡演, 明治の演劇, 木下順二, 菊田一夫, 浅草, 新劇, 移動演劇, 演劇批評, 久保栄, ドラマトゥルギー, 社会学, 樋口一葉, 青踏, 女性学
Relation with Nichibunken FY2015-2016 "The Body in the Japanese Performing Arts: Death and Life, Puppets and Artificial Bodies" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06