Researcher Details

Takeuchi Rio

Affiliation Kyoto University, Graduate Schook of Education and Faculty of Education
Designation Associate Professor
Specialization Education
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Sociology of Education, Cultural Sociology, Historical Sociology, Civilization, Nationalism, Modernization, Urban New Middle Class, Children
Keywords Paradox of Subjectivization,Imagined West and Modern Japanese Intellectuals,留学後の学生の英語表現力育成プログラム,フィンランドにおけるナショナル・アイデンティティ成長物語,大正・昭和初期都市新中間層と児童文学,
Relation with Nichibunken FY2020-2023 "Japanese Style Education-from the Perspective of the History of Civilizations" Team Research Member, FY2019-2020 "Japanese Style Education - from the Perspective of the History of Civilizations" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06