Researcher Details

Takeshi Matsushima

Affiliation Hiroshima University,Graduate School of Social Sciences
Designation Associate Professor
Specialization Cultural anthropology
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Cultural Anthropology, Medical Anthropology, Community Mental Health, Community Design, Fermented Culture
Keywords ケアの論理, 生態学的転回, 環世界, 精神保健, ダイアローグ, 発酵文化, プシコ ナウティカ―イタリア精神医療の人類学,トラウマを生きる,文化人類学の思考法,身体化の人類学,
Relation with Nichibunken FY2016-2020"Studies in “In-betweeness” in Cross-cultural Communication"Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06